The Magic of Being

Everyday we are called to respond to things, to people wanting us to deliver something, and to living in a world that is rapidly changing faster than we can change with it.

There must be some way, some action, some hidden secret to how a certain select group of people manage the change.  The magic of being holds the key.

So there are just a few things to practice to learn the magic of being:

  • Listen to what your inner self hears in the ensuing change
  • Don’t analyze a situation, follow the guidance of the inner self
  • Move away from confusion or doubt and step towards the unknown
  • Be willing to not react, but rather, exert patience before saying or doing anything
  • Let the feeling become the information that guides you

And finally,

  • Become attuned to what is, rather than what appears to be.

When our lives ask us to experience something that we don’t want to, or to live something that we don’t feel is right or good for us, be prepared to use these practices to avoid thinking something is to be overcome.  The magic of being is about noticing what we are feeling before we go to that place that wants to know the outcome even before we know what the experience is supposed to be.

The magic of being is allowing…Not dictating what needs to be experienced but being open to seeing yourself having a brand new adventure with Life.

We waste so much time trying to figure things out, trying to plot and plan, trying to get the result before the experience gets to unfold.  Our basic nature wants us to relive a previously lived experience because what we know is more familiar than what we don’t know.  But be willing to feel, rather than to know.

The Magic of Being is in the feeling.

To be stuck in a previously lived moment is not magical, it is mundane.  Have you ever heard, “Go for the feeling?”

The Magic of Being is in the feeling.  If you want to feel like you are really living, then be that Life by choosing to listen to what the inner self hears in changing from a past style of living to newness and adventure.  To really live is to not analyze any given situation but to follow the guidance of our inner self.  To live is to move away from doubt and uncertainty and move towards the unknown joyfully excited about what we could feel and how new that is to us.  Living is patiently stepping back to allow things to unfold and value the time things organically unfold in their own natural way.

Don’t say or do anything,  just avoid coined reactions.

The Magic of Being is more about being attuned to what is so that we don’t miss out on the Presence demonstrating as we are experiencing this now moment.

Every moment of every day is about recognizing the Magic of Being.

The Key to Finding the Right Balance

One of the most common themes in many people’s lives is Balance.  However, when each of us look closer at our own lives, what we are most apt to discern is that much of our lives are out of balance.

A balanced life consists of more things that can be viewed in this blog, but there seems to be some areas that should be viewed first.  The one primary area in our life that can bring a greater balance to every area is Spirituality.

Spirituality in today’s language means many things to many people, and this is not a discussion of which form of spirituality is better or more satisfying; this is about finding balance within our spiritual connections.

If we take the time to look at what it is we hold sacred, and then ask ourselves: “Am I serving this sacredness or am I just participating in it by skirting around its edges?”  For most of us, our lives are busy, crowded with the demands of living in this fascinating world filled with technological gadgets and media stimuli; not to mention, our everyday demands of earning money to pay bills.

But what is it that we hold sacred?  If we can practice acknowledging that, and giving it quality time every day to understand what within us holds this sacredness in place, and begin to unwrap our feelings about why we hold something sacred, what we will find is that there is an aspect of our being that is seeking expression.  Sacredness, is what Spirituality is comprised of but it is not its focus.

Our Spiritual lives afford us deep freedoms, that can only surface when we bring consistent attention to the intention we hold about the thing Itself.  It doesn’t matter what that is, it only matters that we can identify what gift it holds for us.  Spiritual living is nothing more than realizing a deep inner connection to something that gives us a renewed sense of self and then living from that new awareness.  It’s really nothing deeply profound, nor is it something that is ineffable.

This ability to become alive to our True Self lives within everyone, and each of us possess everything we need to achieve whatever it is we came here to express.  Whatever that is is the sacred.  When we find that, we find where balance originates, and where that balance is created through.  When we begin to walk toward this “sacredness” and we reason with ourselves that nothing can stop us from reaching this realization, balance is achieved in the most important area of our lives:  the Life Inner Knowing.

The Key to Finding the Right Balance is in knowing.  Knowing what you hold sacred.  Balance is automatically reached when we begin living from this “sacredness” and applying It’s Truth to our everyday living.  Each of us is sure to reach this balance when what we hold sacred actually becomes sacred to us.

The Keys:

  • Find what you Love
  • Love what you find
  • Use what you find as a way to Love more fully
  • Loving more fully changes the center of everything
  • When things are centered they are balanced
  • Balance is centered by Love
  • When we Love, we are in Balance.

Pick an area of your Life and apply these keys.  Everything else changes when one thing changes.

Love:  It’s our job description!

10 Easy Steps to Getting Past Our Biggest Issues

When was the last time that you took a real hard look at things going on in your life?

If you’ve waited too long you already know it’s time to do something!

We do things that take us into despair, and quite often, we are cognizant of those very things that we shouldn’t do, but we do them anyway.  Our on-going patterns and beliefs not only support our dreams, they support everything that destroys our dreams.

As  a counselor and practicing Spiritual Guide, I have discovered some very simple steps to discover those areas of our lives that fail to supply us with that vibrant joyous exhilaration of just having a beautiful Life.  People have come to me for years to discover their Truth, only to go home and not practice.  But practice we must.  We can get past these if we but take action!

Most of us really would like to let go of those behaviors that cause us pain, but we don’t know what it is that we should be doing and so we continue to make the same choices and decisions over and over.  It’s what the recovery programs talk about being insanity!  “Doing the same thing and hoping for a different result.”

So the ten easy steps begin by:

  • Begin by picking any area of your Life that isn’t working.
  • Ask yourself  if there is something else you would rather feel.
  • Once you get your answer, be still…quiet.  (for 5 minutes)
  • Promise yourself that you will not take any action today to overcome your issue.
  • Sit with the issue by writing about it and ask yourself if what you are feeling is True.
  • Write about the feeling in your journal for ten full minutes.
  • Go into the journal and circle all those things that resemble each other or are tied to one another.
  • Decide what the common theme is.  What do the comparisons tell you?
  • Write in your journal about what the comparisons tell you about yourself.
  • Make an intention to forgive yourself and release whatever you discovered in your writing.

Now that you have identified, performed your inquiry, accepted that there is something there and done something about it by recognizing it as a theme of yours, allow yourself to own it by giving it a name.   Just by naming something our awareness does something and we will automatically go about trying to eliminate it.

You will discover that you can do this in any area of your life.  And once you begin, the wheel of recovery speeds up and things that you discover take less and less work.  This is where gratitude comes into play:  You must be grateful that you uncovered something in your life that no longer serves you.  Be willing to release the belief so that it can no longer operate in your behavioral patterns.  Don’t wish it away—locate it and then release it through continually being grateful that you have changed.  Announce it to the world!

This is the easiest way to get past our deepest issues.  Practice and you are certain to discover that Life has always been supporting you in everything you do.  It’s that simple.  As soon as you recognize the value that everything in your life brings, all your issues will have been dissolved!

Happy Blogging!

Rev. Les

Playing Your Hand Right

Showing America how to Live

Love is a Better Way

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